Kunekune 101: Reproduction

If you are squeamish, pig breeding is not for you! I have included anatomical pictures in this post to help visualize breeding, heat, and changes during gestation. You will want to be very familiar with your pigs baseline anatomy so you can notice changes. It is as easy as taking a glance once a day …

Kunekune 101: Coefficient of Inbreeding – COI

The Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) is a number that can be a tool or a stumbling block. It can also be very confusing for first-timers. My advice is to pick livestock that fits your program goals, and not get overly focused on COI. That being said, I do use COI in my program – as …

Kunekune 101: Shelter, Seasonal Considerations and Fencing

Pigs require protection from the elements and predators. Shelter and Bedding A basic shelter is sufficient as long as it is weatherproof and dry inside. Protection from the wind from at least three sides with room to get out of drafts and warm straw bedding to insulate and cozy up in. To a lesser extent …

Kunekune 101: Husbandry

The Code of Practice (2014) is available in its complete form from the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC). This code is the basis of all husbandry practices relating to pigs, and is an essential read for anyone who is considering raising pigs of any type. On a smaller, day-to-day scale, our typical husbandry tasks …

Kunekune 101: Transportation and New Arrivals

Tracability By law, all breeding pig stock must be tagged (or microchipped or clipped) and all movements must be registered on PigTrace Canada. This is not required at this time for non-breeding stock intended for slaughter. To sign up for PigTrace you will need to get a Premises ID if you don’t already have one. …

How to make a pig water barrel

One random skill I have acquired and become unexpectedly adept at is making barrels into water receptacles for pigs. It is a simple concept but when I first looked into it I found it really hard finding instructions that made sense or worked for me. I love the idea of hooking the nipple right up …